In automation testing, writing effective test cases is an important skill. This article will introduce you to the basics of writing test cases and provide some tips on making your tests more effective. We will also look at some examples of writing test cases for different types of applications.
Step 1: Identify The Qualities You Want In Your Test Cases
What is it that makes a good test case? One of the most important things to consider is how easy or difficult it will be to reproduce any issues you find. If you have bugs in your application and they only appear when certain actions are combined with other actions, they may not always show up. Your test cases should attempt to recreate these types of problems so that you can check for them.
The best way to determine if your test cases cover enough ground without being too complicated is to use a mind mapping tool such as Xmind. This software lets you map out all the different paths through your tests and quickly identify any areas that need extra attention.
The other quality that you want to look for in your test cases is their ability to provide informative feedback when they are executed. If there are certain types of problems with the Web application testing, it may be beneficial to check for them. For example, suppose your application requires an Internet connection. In that case, you could write a test case that checks whether or not one can be established before continuing with any further actions.
Analysing the qualities of good test cases will help you determine what information should be included within each test and how easy it should be to get this information back from the tests after execution has finished. This will ultimately determine how many distinct tests you need.
Step 2: Identity Which Parts of The Application Require Testing
Identifying the different areas within your application to test is an important step in writing effective tests. You want to make sure that you are testing all of the critical functions within your application and not just some of the components at random. When starting, try to keep things simple by testing only one part of the application at first, e.g., log in or registration form. This allows you to get used to working with these types of tools before moving on to more complex parts of your codebase.
Once you have become accustomed to writing automation testing cases for one area, move on to another area and so forth until you have covered everything in your application. Don’t forget any obscure functions either; look for them during development and write test cases for them as soon as possible.
Step 3: Create A Test Scenario
Now that you know what you want to test and where to find it, it’s time to create some test scenarios. A good way to approach this is by thinking about the different ways that a user might interact with your application. This could be as simple as clicking on a button or entering text into a field.
Once you have a few potential test scenarios in mind, it’s time to start writing out the steps that need to be followed for the tests to run successfully. In most cases, this will include verifying certain conditions before running the actual test and verifying the output after the test has been executed.
Step 4: Execute The Test Cases
All of the planning and preparation are complete. Let’s get these test cases running! To do this, you need to integrate them into your application. To start with, the best way is to use external tools like Selenium or Sahi. These let you run tests from outside the application itself using a script written in anything that can execute code, e.g., Python or Ruby. These types of tools allow you to set up automated login sessions and test your user interface without having to depend on someone clicking through all of these screens.
Once you are comfortable executing tests like this, move on to bootstrapping your application to start when required, e.g., create an Eclipse project and use Maven or Gradle to manage dependencies. With your application up and running, you can then start to write code that interacts with it directly, making the tests more robust and closer to what a user might see when using the application.
As you can see, writing effective automation testing cases is not as daunting as it may seem at first. By following these simple steps, you can easily create a suite of tests that will help you verify the correctness of your application. Not only that, but you’ll also be able to do this in a fraction of the time it would take to test everything yourself manually!
Conclusion We saw some important points to keep in mind while writing test cases and a few automation testing examples. This will help you save time and effort while testing your application.