Millions of people file insurance claims every year, according to recent reports. In fact, homeowners file about 3.5 million claims annually, and vehicle insurance claims add up to more than $170 million per year. When other types of insurance coverage are added to the mix, the total only grows from there.

Of course, not all claims go smoothly and successfully. Many of them end up being disputed, leading to a great deal of frustration and financial hardship for those filing the claims. If you’re among the many Americans facing insurance disputes, certain measures can help resolve these matters a bit more easily.

1.) Don’t Face the Insurance Company Alone

Arguing with the insurance company over the phone can certainly be difficult. That’s assuming you’re able to reach a human being when you call. In many cases, getting past the automated system seems all but impossible. Communicating via email can be a time-consuming process as well. When you speak with a live person, you’re bound to get the runaround.

Reaching out for legal help for your claim may be the best solution. Insurance representatives tend to respond much differently to legal professionals than they do to the general public. At the same time, attorneys have the training and experience to handle the insurance companies on your behalf. 

2.) Create a Strong Case

Many people associate creating a strong case with taking matters to court. However, the courtroom isn’t the only place where solid evidence is crucial. Evidence can also bring an end to insurance disputes. If the insurance company is hesitant to pay for a new roof after your old one was damaged by a storm, present pictures of the roof both before and after the storm, complete with dates and timestamps. Send the insurance company records of when the roof was installed and any maintenance that may have been performed after the fact.

In the case of an automobile accident, have pictures of the accident scene and damage to your vehicle available. Provide records of your injuries and medical expenses, and offer contact information for any witnesses, if needed. The more evidence you have to strengthen your claim, the less cause the insurance company has to dismiss it. 

3.) Understand What You’re Entitled to

A long list of laws and regulations applies to policyholders and their insurance coverage. Additionally, numerous rules are in place regarding when, how, and why people are allowed to file claims. Coverage providers expect their clients to strictly adhere to those regulations. On the other end of the spectrum, a range of regulations covers how insurance companies are supposed to behave and cater to their clients’ needs. Be sure you understand all those rules as they apply to your policy and situation, and keep in mind that the requirements vary by state. Being educated on this matter will go a long way toward helping resolve a dispute. 

4.) Stay Calm

Dealing with an insurance company can be tiresome and downright infuriating at times. That’s especially true when you’re entitled to and in dire need of a payout but the insurance company is fighting you at every turn. Staying calm is essential, though. Getting angry and showing your dark side while communicating with a coverage provider won’t facilitate a resolution. Remember, it’s not personal even though it may seem painfully so at the time. 

Successfully Resolving Your Insurance Claim

While millions of insurance claims are filed each year, many are disputed. After all, insurance companies are in business to make money rather than share it. They may seek every reason they possibly can to deny your claim even if you’re fully entitled to a payout. Gather ample evidence to send to the insurance company, and know what you’re entitled to before delving into the process. At the same time, consider enlisting the help of a legal professional. All the while, try to stay calm rather than losing your temper even though your anger may be justified. 

By Manali