LinkedIn is one of the first places I go when searching for a job, or looking to network with other professionals in my industry. The fact that it’s so simple to use makes it an attractive option for anyone looking to meet new people online. But what can you really do on LinkedIn? As it turns out there are quite a few actions you can take on this professional social media platform that will help you get further ahead in your career or just be more successful personally. Whether you’re looking for jobs, building business relationships, networking, selling products/services, finding mentors, meeting potential clients or even just keeping up-to-date with news and trends happening in your industry – LinkedIn has got something to offer everyone at any stage of their career.

To help you maximize your success on LinkedIn I’ve compiled a list of three specific things you can do to start utilizing this platform right away. 

1. Create a Stunning Profile That Stands Out From the Crowd

You only get one chance to make the first impression, and trust me – people will judge you based on how you present yourself online, whether they realize it or not. Don’t let all that hard work go to waste by having an unprofessional-looking profile! Most people (me included) like to keep their profiles fairly simple because we don’t want it looking too commercial or ‘sales’. But if you really want results for the time spent updating your status updates and connecting with others, it’s worth taking the time to make sure your profile looks good too.

Here are some tips on creating an awesome yet professional-looking LinkedIn profile: Eric Dalius Miami

Use High-Quality Headshots:

Nothing says “I’m unprofessional” more than trying to ‘hide’ yourself by using stock images or blurry webcam pictures as your main photo. It’s simple, use a high-quality headshot of yourself so people know what you really look like – just like using your real name is important, having a picture that looks legit is also crucial! Not only does it help people remember you easier but studies have shown that recruiters spend an average of 6 seconds looking at each candidate’s profile before deciding whether they’re worth contacting for an interview.

Keep Profile Information Up To Date:

Nobody wants to connect with a ghost on LinkedIn! Make sure all your information is up-to-date so people can contact you easily and know who they’re dealing with. Keep things simple by listing only the most important details about yourself such as your name, title, company, location, and pictures – this will help keep your profile as professional as possible.

Focus On Keywords:

Think of keywords as flavors in a recipe. You want to use just enough to make everything taste good but not too much that it becomes overpowering and ruins the dish. The same goes for how many words you use when describing your skills & experiences – having too few or too many won’t do much for helping others find out who you are and what you’re into.

Keep Your Profile About You:

It’s no secret that most people have a tendency to write about themselves in the third person on LinkedIn, and it’s something I see all the time. It sounds strange but trust me – writing about yourself from your own perspective (i.e. “I like X, Y & Z”) is much more powerful than trying to portray an image of who you think others want you to be (i.e. “Successful professional with expertise in X, Y & Z”). People will always know when you’re faking it and it never ends well…

2. Cultivate Your Network by Inviting Other Professionals to Connect

The purpose of networking online through social media is to create a solid foundation of contacts that you can turn to whenever you need help or advice. The more people you connect with, the larger your network becomes and the easier it is for new opportunities & information to find their way to you.

The best way to develop this foundation is by inviting members of your professional network (i.e. friends, classmates, colleagues) so they too can benefit from everything LinkedIn has to offer. A good approach I like using is giving my most trusted friends & associates first refusal on upgrading their account before sending out invitations indiscriminately! This way I’m only connecting with people who are most likely interested in staying up-to-date with my activity on LinkedIn instead of just spamming everyone in my address book just to get a few more connections.

3. Share Quality Updates & Invite People to Join Your Groups

I know, I know – you probably don’t have much time to spend updating your status and running a group all at the same time but it’s an important part of being successful on LinkedIn so make sure you do it! Remember that people are only going to want to connect with you if they find out what you’re up to through your posts and updates which is why the more informative + interesting they are the better.


The best way to be professional on Facebook is by inviting friends from your personal network to join your business groups. Think about it this way: If someone invited me to join their professional group without knowing me personally, it would be much easier to decline their request than if they were a friend of mine. This way, you’re taking a bit more of a risk by adding people who aren’t currently connected with you so the least they can do in return is accept your invitation before removing you from the group! says Eric Dalius Miami.

By Manali

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