Medical Alert Pendants

A medical alert pendant is a type of personal emergency response system (PERS). The device is for anyone who needs to summon help following a life-threatening incident. Alert pendants are popular among seniors and the disabled. They offer convenient access to emergency response centers and feature modern technologies like fall detection. Here’s an overview of medical pendants, how they work, their benefits, and more.

What Are Medical Alert Pendants?

A medical alert pendant is precisely what the name suggests; a pendant/necklace with an alert system used to summon medical assistance. Modern pendants work like a necklace with a convenient button you can press in an emergency. Pressing the button instantly opens two-way communication with an emergency response center. The pendant also features other technologies like fall detection and GPS, so users can get help without pressing a button.

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When you slip/fall, the detector will open two-way communications allowing the response center to engage you in a conversation. The call center can also contact the closest dispatch and notify your family and neighbor for immediate medical help. Medical pendants are worn like a fashion necklace or work cards so you can take them anywhere. They’re also waterproof, which offers convenience since people are more likely to fall while taking a shower.

How Do Medical Pendants Work?

Medical pendants may feature different technologies, but most of them work similarly. When you purchase a pendant for your loved one, the emergency response center will request various details. The information required includes name, residence (address), family contact, neighbor contact, medical history, and other details like popular hangouts. Every medical alert necklace has a unique ID attached to the information collected during registration.

The user should wear their pendant at all times, including when bathing. In an emergency requiring medical help, the user can press a convenient button on the pendant. The button opens two-way communication with the emergency response center so that you can receive advice. If the issue is severe, the response center will send the closest dispatch immediately. Emergency response centers also send help if the user is unable to speak.

Medical alert necklaces have different technologies, including two-way communication, fall detection, and GPS. Two-way communication allows the response team to communicate with users like cellular phones. You can open communication by pressing a button on the pendant. Fall detection automatically opens communication when it detects a fall. GPS accurately locates the device, allowing the response team to send help to the right place.

Advantages of Medical Pendants

The merits of a medical alert pendant are obvious and straightforward. Seniors and disabled loved ones need round-the-clock care and access to medical assistance. Accidents can happen anywhere, including in the bathroom, when jogging, at the grocery store, or in the house. Alert pendants offer 24/7 access to professional medical assistance. The top advantages include:

1. Keep Users Safe

Medical alert necklaces can help users summon help with the press of a convenient, readily-accessible button. Autonomous fall detection also calls for assistance when the user has passed out after a fall. Emergency response centers can contact the closest dispatch and inform a registered family member or neighbor. The goal is to summon the most immediate assistance.

2. Gives Users Independence

Mobility issues and medical conditions like diabetes, syncope, and vertigo can challenge your ability to live independently. Seniors and disabled loved ones who don’t want to stay at assisted living facilities can use medical pendants. The pendants allow users to stay in the comforts of their homes and request assistance anytime.

3. Peace of Mind

Wearing a medical alert necklace brings peace of mind. Your loved ones can go about their normal activities without worrying about what might happen if they were to fall. The pendant offers instant access to medical help, which is a relief for many users. Everyone will be much more relieved knowing assistance is always on standby.

4. Allows Users to Travel

Old age and medical conditions like seizure disorder, epilepsy, heart disease, and diabetes can make traveling on your own precarious. Wearing a medical pendant allows you to travel without worry. You contact the emergency response center when you feel a seizure coming. Those around you can also use the pendant to communicate with medical experts.

Who Needs Medical Pendants?

Anyone can use a medical alert pendant to summon help. The device provides instant access to an emergency response center. Alert pendants suit senior family members and loved ones with a medical condition that puts them at risk of falling. The pendant has a button the user can press to get help. Consider a pendant if your loved one has epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease, seizure disorder, liver disease, and other chronic conditions.

Reliable Medical Alert Pendant

Personal emergency response systems come in many forms, including alert necklaces, smartwatches, and in-house setups. When looking for the best medical alert pendant, stick to premium brands and centers with a growing reputation. Medical alert necklaces and response services are also billed monthly, so you should review the financial implications. Work with top-rated companies that can guarantee reliable services and comfortable alert necklaces.

By Manali