Explainer videos are a form of communication videos from a company, brand or business mostly concerning their products and services. These videos answer queries about when and how the brand’s services should be used. Along with the usability explained, these videos also include the benefits that the service or the product offers or entails.

You might be sceptical or undecided if an explainer video is worth investing in. You might find your answer if you read on. This piece is going to delve into why exactly are explainer videos essential for your business. You will be able to estimate the value that they bring and accordingly choose how much you want to spend making them.

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Following are a few of the advantages that explainer videos bring to your business.

Conveys the Message in A Quick and Engaging Way

Convincing the customer to buy your product or services can be a tricky challenge. The solution lies not in what to say but more in “how to say it”. The method, technique and feeling that you give your potential customers through your message all make a difference. You want to keep in mind that long speeches are off-putting and tend to get boring for the majority. Hence, you want to keep it precise and simple. The way to truly make it effective is to make the best use of limited time frame and resources available to you.

You can use accompanying text or written instruction but keep them to a minimum. Instead, present such a context in which your product is being used, and use multiple situations. Present these situations in pleasant 2D animation including bright visuals and fun, intriguing characters. It will make the process precise, engaging as well as entertaining.

Opitimizes Sales Funnel Process

Sales funnel is the process of customers deciding to buy your products or services. This process has three significant stages, and animated explainer videos can serve differently in each three.

  • The first is the awareness stage, in which your explainer videos give brand awareness to your potential customer. They give out your products and services awareness and capture your potential customer’s eye and attention.
  • The second is the consideration stage in which the customer is considering a couple of brands. This means they are interested in the service or product. But still undecided between a couple of brands or resources offering the said product or service. Your explainer video plays out your unique and distinctive features as a strengthening point. This means showing the potential customer what you are doing different and unlike your competition.
  • Third stage is the decision stage in which the customer finally decides. This is the end goal that your explainer videos should be focusing on. The ultimate purpose of your brand’s explainer videos should be to convert customers in your favour. Well-crafted and effective explainer videos succeed in this end goal, consequently increasing sales funnel.

Improves Conversion Rate and SEO Ranking

Conversion rate is the ratio of searchers and consumers that eventually become paying customers. And SEO ranking determines your brand’s webpage place in google search results. Better SEO leads to a better and upper position in the search rankings. Great explainer videos increase both these factors, improving your brand’s recognition.

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By Manali