The music industry, as vast and diverse as it is, thrives on data. For artists, producers, and industry professionals, the insights from music analytics can provide a clear path for growth, popularity, and reach. Viberate is stepping up to redefine how these insights are accessed, especially with its in-depth Spotify analytics and comprehensive playlist analyzer features. 

Bridging the Gap with Affordable Music Stats

Viberate’s commitment to “Creating a more inclusive music business” is evident in its decision to make premium analytics accessible to all. Recognizing that the hefty prices of data services often sidelined independent labels and artists, Viberate has revolutionized the scene by slashing the price of their professional suite from a hefty $129 to a mere $9.90 monthly. This price restructuring aims to ensure that every professional, irrespective of their scale, can leverage the best of music insights without breaking the bank.

A Deep Dive into Viberate’s Offerings

Viberate prides itself on meticulously monitoring over 1M+ artists. Their platform seamlessly translates performance data from streaming services, social media, and other channels into actionable insights. Whether it’s discovering new talent, tracking artist performance, or planning promotional campaigns, Viberate simplifies it all by offering a consolidated view of the music ecosystem. With channels like Spotify and TikTok under its purview, the platform brings to the forefront a holistic view that can significantly influence business decisions in the music realm.

Spotlight on Spotify Analytics

One of the standout features of Viberate’s suite is its detailed Spotify analytics. This tool delves into the streaming performance metrics of every artist on Spotify. Users can access comprehensive data on monthly listeners, follower counts, stream numbers, and playlist engagements. Furthermore, it offers a consolidated view of all of an artist’s tracks, which can be filtered by streams or release dates. Additionally, the breakdown of monthly listeners by city and country provides granularity that can shape targeted promotional strategies.

The Power of the Playlist Analyzer

Another game-changer in Viberate’s toolkit is the playlist analyzer. This feature provides a deep dive into an artist’s performance on Spotify playlists. From tracking playlist placements to identifying top-performing songs, the playlist analyzer offers it all. It empowers professionals to gauge the reach of a playlist and monitor its activity over time, enabling them to measure the impact of specific song or album releases. With access to data on over 12M+ playlists, users can find the best match for an artist’s genre and career trajectory. The filtering capabilities are nothing short of revolutionary, catering to detailed requirements, like identifying Pop playlists curated by indie professionals with specific follower counts and song freshness. 

More Than Just Analytics

But Viberate isn’t all about numbers. The platform also offers a feature-rich charting system which, as the company underscores, is transformative for talent discovery. It enables industry professionals to unearth and screen talent efficiently. With customizable filters and saved charting preferences, users can streamline their search, ensuring they always have their desired insights at their disposal. 


In the evolving landscape of the music industry, where data-driven decisions are paramount, platforms like Viberate are proving indispensable. If you’re on the lookout for robust music sats, especially features like Spotify insights and a versatile playlist analyzer, Viberate’s offerings are certainly worth exploring.

By Manali