
If you are a homeowner who is considering moving up the housing ladder or relocating, you want your home to be in perfect condition, to maximize its resale value and attract the most attention from potential buyers. Interested parties will soon lose their desire to purchase your home, if they see signs of disrepair or significant damage. A house that is not up to date with current design trends, can also greatly dissuade buyers from committing to a purchase. 

Here are some of the key changes you can carry out, as you prepare your home for resale, to ensure that you have the best possible chance of selling your real estate in Florida quickly and profitably.

Ensure your plumbing is in order

Few things put off potential buyers from purchasing a property, more than evidence of leaking taps and poor plumbing. In the mind of the buyer, this can indicate that expensive restoration work will be needed, and hints that there may be other problems within the home. It makes perfect sense, before getting your home on the market, to hire a professional plumber to undertake a thorough check of your home. They can inspect all your major pipework and your plumbing sewer line, while fixing any minor issues in your home. Make a point of informing prospective buyers that you hired a professional, and now the plumbing is in excellent condition. It really could make the difference between a sale or no sale, in some buyers’ minds. 

Re-paint key rooms

If some of the rooms in your home have not been renovated or updated in many years, they will begin to look out of date, design wise, and could discourage potential buyers. A quick, easy and inexpensive way to rectify this and breathe new life into these rooms, is to repaint them in modern colours. For a few hours effort, your key rooms will be transformed and instantly appear more attractive to viewers. If you find yourself struggling for inspiration on colour choices, take a look here to find examples of the most effective modern paints and suggestions for which rooms they suit best.

Make your outdoor spaces more vibrant

One of the first things that potential buyers see when they pull up to your property, is your garden or outdoor space. This area gives a vital first impression of your home when it’s on the market, so it’s in your best interests, to keep it looking vibrant and stylish. Thankfully, it can be quite straightforward and inexpensive to upgrade your garden when preparing your home for sale. If your outdoor space is lacking colour, consider cultivating a range of hardy perennial plants in eye catching locations. If you are not particularly green fingered and lack gardening knowledge, here are some of the top twenty perennial plants that work perfectly in most gardens. 

As a final point, ensure that your lawns are regularly mowed as you prepare for resale and that you spend a little on lawn fertilizers, to ensure that they are lush and green. 

By Manali