“I could have done better” every student, whether they are school-going or college students, has this thought once in a while, especially after seeing their exam results. You see, every student wants to ace exams and come first in their class; they even make plans like, doing group studies or making detailed notes. However, when it comes to implementing these plans they find it difficult to follow them sometimes because of busy schedules or procrastination. We know students have their plates full from attending classes on the online classes app to socialising with friends. Today’s youth have to do so much, but they can optimize their success rate in all their tasks if they work productively. Productivity plays a tremendous role in a student’s life, as it not only motivates them to complete their tasks but gets the work done on time with greater zeal and detail in their tasks. But what is this productivity? And how can students increase their productivity?
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Keep reading the article to know more.
What is Productivity?
If we see the literal meaning of productivity, it means giving the positive or desired outcomes from the inputs provided to the students. Simply put, productivity means being able to perform your best as per your given situation and in a student’s life various inputs or situations are homework, classes, exams and extra-curricular activities. The student’s productivity levels are determined by the outputs or results given by them under the given situation; if the output is favourable then the child has good productivity levels and if not they need to work to improve their productivity.
Also read more articles from gurupenyemangat.com regarding education and other student’s stuff.
Here are some tips for students to increase their productivity.
Set Achievable Goals: The one thing that students do wrong is they set unrealistic goals for themselves which results in negative outcomes; for example planning to complete the whole syllabus one day before the exams, that’s not going to make you successful in your exams. Instead of setting such unrealistic goals, students should set small and achievable goals, like studying for two hours every day. This will not only not make studying manageable for students and it will also make the set goals attainable.
Quit Procrastination: Every task completes on due time only when you get it done as soon as possible, leaving it for the next day or next hour will only pile up your work. Students often procrastinate their important work like studying, completing homework or doing revisions etc for scrolling hours on social media apps and watching extrinsic things. If you want to be productive and achieve your goals then stop delaying things and complete them as soon as possible. Doing so will give extra time in your hand to do other things like learning new skills or exercising.
Also read more articles from ilmuguru.org regarding education and other student’s stuff.
Follow the Routine: As we said earlier students do make plans but don’t stick to them, this needs to stop. If you have created a timetable for your tasks, stick to it and do the things in their allotted time. For example, if you have set an alarm to wake up at 8 in the morning, then stop snoozing the alarm and wake up, plan to do science homework in an hour then try to do it within that time. Once you start following your routine, your productivity levels will increase and you will start getting better and desired results in your studies and other tasks.
Study In A Productive Environment: The surrounding affects the productivity of students, students must study in a place which relaxes and motivates them to do work. Keep your study area clean and clutter-free, keep indoor plants in your study room to bring freshness and have proper lighting in the room that brightens the room.
Don’t Multitask: This skill looks good on a resume, but for students, it can be troublesome as working on several tasks not only hinders the road to completing any task but can also create pressure on the student’s mind. So do one thing at a time, with complete dedication.
Take Breaks: Even teachers give breaks during online teaching sessions. Taking breaks in between the study sessions is important to relax and recharge, the body and mind.