A content audit is a process of evaluating and analyzing the content on a website to improve its effectiveness. This process can involve reviewing everything from the website’s structure and organization to its tone and style. By conducting a content audit, businesses can identify areas they need to change to engage their audience better and achieve their marketing goals. 

A content audit is important because it can help determine what content to keep, update, or remove from your website. It also helps you understand what content is most important to your audience and how they engage with it. As a result, you can ensure that it meets your business goals and provides the best possible experience for your audience. 

Who performs a content audit? 

Anyone can perform content audits, but it’s typically done by a web developer, digital marketing agency, copywriter, or SEO specialist. If you’re not sure who to ask, it is recommended that you have a web developer or SEO specialist perform your audit. You can also hire a content audit company. Their services may be more expensive, but they are often experts at assessing the quality of website content. 

Necessary steps on how to audit your conten

Define your goals and metrics 

An effective content audit requires a plan. Defining your goals and metrics before starting will help you stay on track and produce a more valuable analysis. Without specific goals, you may waste time reviewing content that doesn’t need to be improved or updated. Defining the right metrics can also be tricky; some factors may not be quantifiable, so you’ll need to use your best judgment. 

Here are a few tips for setting your goals and metrics: 

  • Think about what you hope to achieve with the audit. Are you looking to improve website traffic? Increase conversions? Establish a stronger SEO foundation? Each goal will require different metrics for measurement. 
  • Consider the most important factors to your business and focus on those when defining metrics. 

Take an inventory of your content 

If you’re like most businesses, you produce a lot of content. But do you know what’s there? What’s working and what’s not? Well, a content marketing agency in India will help you take stock of your content and figure out what to do. A content audit is a process of looking at all the content on your website— from blog posts to webpages to product descriptions— and evaluating it. 

You’ll evaluate things like: 

  • How well the content meets your business goals
  • The quality of the writing
  • The usefulness of the information
  • The tone and style of the content 
  • The number of times each piece has been shared or interacted with on social media 

Initially, you need to collect the URLs of all the web pages you wish to analyze for your inventory. Once you understand what’s there, you can decide which pieces need to be updated, rewritten, or removed altogether. 

Categorize your content 

When you complete your content audit, the next step is categorizing your content on the spreadsheet. You will want to create different columns for each category. You will be able to manage your content audit more efficiently if you use categories to stay organized.

Including categories such as the type of content, author(s), date of publication, and format of the content in your search results is possible. First, consider what categories would be useful to know from different pieces of content. 

Metrics are also an important category. In some online auditing tools, the data will be included; however, Google Analytics can also be used to pull data. It is possible to gain more information from metrics during the analysis process. Content marketing agencies in India recommend that at this point, your spreadsheet contains URLs of your content, categories, metadata (if included), and metrics.

Analyze your data

Now that you have gone through and categorized your content, the next step is to analyze that data with the help of a digital marketing agency. By looking at what’s performing well and what’s not, you can start to decide what content to keep, update, or remove from your site. 

One way to analyze your data is to look at engagement metrics like pageviews, shares, and comments. You can also look at page bounce rate and time to get a sense of how people interact with your content. 

Another thing to consider is whether the content aligns with your business goals. For example, if you’re trying to drive leads or sales, you’ll want to focus on content that does those things rather than just driving traffic. 


A content audit is an important procedure for any organization that wants to improve its website and optimize its content. Following the steps in this guide, you can comprehensively audit your website’s content. The best content marketing agency in India can help you make the necessary changes to improve your website’s performance.

Author Bio: – Rudra Kumar is an Assistant General Manager of search operations at Techmagnate with more than 10+ years of experience in search engine optimisation. He has helped many businesses in growing revenue via search engines of his strengths.

By Manali