Generally speaking, the introduction to an essay is very simple. It’s an optional part. That is, nominally, if you start immediately with the formulation of the problem or something else, the examiner will have nothing to pick on. Why, then, is the introduction still considered necessary? Well, generally speaking, it is bad to start a text with some phrase like “In his text, the author deals with such a problem. That is, you can go on explaining that this problem is not taken from the ceiling, it is not taken out of thin air, but it is quite old, important, and so on – but this is what is usually put in the introduction; it will turn out that in your essay the problem and the introduction have simply swapped places. Generally speaking, sometimes this is a good trick. And sometimes it’s not.
It seems to me that if the text is narrative, it’s easiest to start in a standard way, like: “The author tells the story of a man who…” if indeed there is a story being described there. Or, “The author describes an argument between such-and-such characters, in which one character claimed this and the other claimed that.” But, again, this is for story texts.
This is a typical introduction. Often it is always recommended to begin with it. Well, you should work out some kind of general scheme for writing essays. If it gets complicated, try to find someone to help you. I know the most reliable option for students. I turn to a writer online to edit my essay explanation when I can’t get it done. Most students trust their writing assignments to the best online services.
But generally speaking, it’s good when everything in an essay is really meaningful. Say, look at today’s texts. They are all about the same topic (once again: the same topic does not mean that they contain the same problem, and it certainly does not mean that they must have the same arguments.) You can begin all of these essays with the phrase “The author is writing about the education. And all of these phrases will be about nothing because you can write about education in completely different ways. Here’s “The author retells a conversation between brothers about…” – that’s all right.
Now, it’s often a good idea to start with the wording of the problem. “Is it true that in school… (something might happen)? Because sometimes they say… (some other way). On this subject argues…”. For texts that are entirely reasoning, this can be a much more meaningful beginning.
Most student begin with a phrase like “the author is writing about whether you can do this or that,” and then struggle with how to phrase this “whether you can do that” one more time. In such cases, it is better to put the problem at the beginning. And the topic is not just a classifier (about school, nature, etc.), but rather a stepping-stone to the problem. Sometimes some events must be discussed, not just school, but the problem connected with it, not just nature, but the fact that it is constantly being treated inappropriately. This is the topic.
By the way, the advice about the relevance of the theme is about the same. As has been said, authors don’t usually write texts “just for fun.” At the very least, the topic must be of interest to someone. In some cases, your teacher may give you a topic for an essay. But you don’t like it, to put it mildly. The inspiration to write doesn’t appear because the issue doesn’t interest you at all. In this case, use the services of one of the top essay companies where professional writers work.
“The theme of nature is relevant at all times” is not even just an empty phrase, it’s outright nonsense. What is not nonsense is that everyone seems to know that nature should be protected, but we constantly observe that it is not treated as it should be. The fact that it is not just treated this way once, but is treated this way all the time, is an indicator of its relevance. After that, don’t write again about the relevance of the topic, the problem, or anything else.
There you go. About the typical introduction, I said that there are no mandatory requirements for the introduction, too, and that it is not necessary to make it out of himself, too, said. You must read the text carefully, retell it to yourself – what it’s about – and then somehow begin. And if you can not – use the standard introduction. It is better only not “about the education” or “about nature”, but something more specific. And if you feel that the wording of the topic of your explanation essay and the problem coincides – put the problem in the beginning.
Rather than write many more words, I will ask you to do the following. Take three different texts you, and try to make up the first phrase for them. If it is the same everywhere (adjusted for the author’s name) – that’s bad.
And here’s another thing to do: arguments to these texts. Here, try taking two arguments – even from a bank of some kind, I don’t mind – and writing each of them not just for nothing, but concerning each of these particular texts. It’s a very useful exercise.