Tiny Home Investment

Summer may not start until the end of June, but it feels like it’s already here. Homeowners who haven’t yet started their seasonal property maintenance to-do lists should be getting on the ball now so they don’t wind up having to miss out on any of the summer fun. Read on to find out how to get started.

1. Have the Air Conditioner Tuned-Up

The summer sun may feel wonderful while a home’s residents are out sunbathing at the beach, but it’s no fun at all to come home to a swelteringly hot house. Now is the time to have the air conditioning system inspected and tuned up, so the first thing on homeowners’ to-do lists should be to call Priority 1 HVAC and schedule an appointment.

2. Check the Ceiling Fans

Even if the home has air conditioning, functional ceiling fans can be quite beneficial. They keep the air circulating throughout the room and cool the skin by providing a pleasant breeze, all of which reduce demands on more energy-hungry air conditioners. In the winter, ceiling fans should run clockwise to pull the hot air down into the room, so be sure to change the direction of the fans so that they run counterclockwise to get the maximum benefit from these essential fixtures.

3. Do Some Refrigerator Maintenance

Air conditioners and ceiling fans aren’t the only fixtures that have to work overtime in the summer. Refrigerators also need to work harder to keep food cold, so now is the time to give the fridge some extra attention by cleaning its coils and checking to make sure the door seals are airtight. It’s not a bad time to clean out all of those old leftovers, either.

4. Eliminate Drafts

Drafts don’t just pull in cold air in the winter. They also let it out in the summer. If there are any leaks in the seals around windows and doors, now’s the time to fix them. Energy Star has some great advice about what to look for to identify drafts.

5. Prepare the Outdoor Kitchen

Some families have likely already fired up the barbecue a handful of times given how warm this spring has been, but the start of summer brings the true beginning of the grilling season. Clean up the outdoor kitchen, check connections for gas, water, and electricity, and wipe down the grill now to make sure everything will be ready for that first sunny afternoon get-together.

6. Clean the Gutters and Drains

Ideally, homeowners will already have had their gutters cleaned before the start of the spring rains. If cleaning the gutters and downspouts was at the end of that spring to-do list, though, it’s an essential task to complete before the summer. When leaves and other debris are allowed to sit in the gutters, it doesn’t just increase the chances of roof, siding, and foundation damage. It also provides a perfect breeding zone for mosquitoes.

It’s Time to Get Started

Don’t wait until the very last minute to get the home and yard prepared for summer. Putting all those essential tasks off doesn’t mean they don’t need to get done. It means homeowners will wind up having to work in the sweltering heat to complete those final tasks and miss out on a ton of summer fun to perform home maintenance that should have been finished by late spring.

By Manali