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Don’t confuse being stylish with being trendy. Style is ephemeral, trend comes and go. Sometimes it goes as fast as it comes, other times it takes a long time before it is yet again replaced by another trend.
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Here, you will discover;
- Useful tips on how to be stylish in your choice of dresses.
- The benefits of being stylish in your appearance as a lady.
Sounds like something you are interested in?
Let’s go.
Useful Tips To Stay Stylish In Your Choice Of Dresses
Cultivating the following habits would go a long way in influencing your stylishness even if you are not able to afford expensive clothes.
Take cues from people around you
Merely going on social media pages like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook would open you to the world of style. Many people who are famous for being stylish usually upload their pictures on these platforms for free. So, why not follow them to get inspiration on how you can exude stylishness with your dresses.
Avoid overdressing
It is easy to fall under the spell of “overdressing” especially if you are just starting out on your quest to be stylish. In the same vein, one also tend to to underdress for the occasion too. So, what do you do? Find the balance. Being well dressed for the occasion helps you exude a certain type of style that is neither apathetic nor overly serious.
Accessories are good for you
Style is not just about the blouse, gown, or whatever dress you are putting on. There is more to it. How you are able to accessorize your outfit also plays a significant impact in how stylish people would find you. Color combination, how to combine patterns, the type of footwear to wear, the scarf that suits you, among many others are stuff to consider when dressing up.
Your body type matters
Your stylishness is influenced by your body shape and your body shape plays a big role in how your womenswear fits you. First, learn your body type before investing in any clothing or supporting accessories.
Always plan your outfit beforehand
We frown against the idea of just deciding on what to wear a few minutes before you have to rush out. Unless you are an expert in clothing combination you would always fail to be well-dressed for the occasion. We strongly recommend that you plan your outfit a few hours before you have to step out.
Style splits schools into two groups as young ladies progress through school: the cool and the ho-hum.Is fashion harmful to society? The kids who are fortunate enough to be able to afford the costly clothing are in the cool group, while others who cannot are in the weak group. Our self-assurance is shattered by fashion. External fashion is not synonymous with inside quality. Audrey Hepburn’s dictum goes, “For excellent eyes, search for the positive characteristics in people; for wonderful lips, express just expressions of generosity; and for balance, stroll with the knowledge that you are rarely alone.”
Now, let’s consider the benefits of being stylish as a lady
What are the top benefits of being stylish as a lady?
- You would not be intimidated by others, once you are stylish you would carry yourself with pride.
- Style has a positive influence on self-confidence. People who are not only fashionable but stylish are usually more confident in their abilities than those who are not.
- People will take you seriously and respect you more.