A vital, and often overlooked first step in any successful weight management program is nutrition. The typical American diet is pretty sad. Most of us know the proper foods we need to eat to be healthy, but we just don’t do it.
A body that is lacking in nutrition will continue to seek nutrition until it is satisfied it has received it. What does that mean for the person who isn’t healthy or who isn’t eating a balanced diet (and by balanced diet, I do not mean beer and pizza!)? Well, it means that they stay hungry almost constantly, which absolutely encourages them to overeat. Overeating causes a body to store fat and become lethargic, which means it likely has no energy for exercise. That sedentary lifestyle causes more fat to be added, and deeper lethargy to set in, and before you know it, a whole host of potential medical problems are knocking at your door. Recommended to read Madison Lecroy Weight Loss journal.
So, finally, in desperation, we enter the world of diets (read that: DIE-ts). Counting calories, restricting carbs, eliminating entire food groups, replacing meals with shakes instead of the real food our body craves, torturing ourselves by constantly stepping on the scale looking for pound loss, all the while feeling more and more defeated when we don’t see the pounds coming off as quickly as we would like. Frustrated and discouraged with an unsustainable lifestyle, we rebound to our old unhealthy way of eating, and the pounds all go back on (faster than we took them off), along with a few extra “friends.” This cycle continues to destroy our metabolism making it harder and harder to lose weight.
Finally, we wise up and decide that we have to make the hard choice to eat healthier foods. But, is diet alone enough to ensure that we get the proper amounts of all the vitamins and minerals that are needed by our bodies on a daily basis? Research says, “no.”
Studies have shown that the average person would need to consume a whole host of veggies and fruits (amounting to a whopping 3,000 calories!) each day in order to get the full day’s supply of vitamins and minerals. Unless you are free to cook and eat pretty much all day long, this just isn’t going to work for you even short-term, and certainly not long-term. So, what’s a person in search of a new healthy lifestyle to do? Enter: everyone’s favorite go-to supplement, “The Multivitamin.”
But, BEWARE! Not all multivitamins are created equal. The last thing you want to do is spend your hard-earned cash on a supplement that just gets digested away without absorption of the nutrients, or worse yet passes through your system partially (or completely) undigested. Pharmaceutical grade, bio-available nutritional supplements are the way to go if you want to get the most bang for your buck. But, with so many different supplements out there, how do you know which ones will address your individual concerns and challenges? Is a Multivitamin enough? Do you need to take additional supplements? If so, which ones?
Many people decide to go to a vitamin store and ask questions of the sales people, but I ask you, do you really want to get your nutritional advice from a teenager making minimum wage? Here’s a better option: Click here to complete your own personal nutritional assessment, then contact me with any questions. Here is more about kelly doty weight loss.