Close-up of female eye. Concepts of laser eye surgery or visual acuity check-up

Individuals suffering from eye pain and swelling should seek immediate help from one of the ENT specialists in Capital International hospital. The symptoms indicate chorioretinitis and require medical attention. The specialist will perform tests to diagnose the disease. Additionally, the specialist will guide the patient regarding the treatment options proven effective in rapid and smooth recover

Chorioretinitis and Its Symptoms

Chorioretinitis is commonly known as uveitis. The condition refers to the swelling of the colored part of the eye, called the uvea.

The signs and symptoms of chorioretinitis are:

  • The person can notice swelling in the uvea.
  • The affected eye becomes red
  • The person experiences a sensation of burning, causing discomfort
  • The vision of the person decreases, and objects appear blurry.
  • The person becomes highly sensitive to natural and artificial light
  • There is a visible change in the color of the iris.
  • The person is more likely to develop miosis, in which the pupil becomes small.

Causes of Chorioretinitis

The causes of chorioretinitis are:

  • The eye injury can cause damage and swell in the uvea.
  • Individuals who went through a surgical procedure are prone to develop the condition as a side-effect.
  • Individuals suffering from autoimmune disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis are more likely to suffer from chorioretinitis.
  • Patients with Kawasaki and Crohn’s disease can develop the condition as a side effect.
  • Eye infection can cause multiple complications, including the swelling of the uvea.
  • Individuals diagnosed with certain cancers, such as leukemia and melanoma, are prone to suffer from inflammation in the uvea.

Complications Associated with Chorioretinitis

It is essential to treat the condition on time to avoid complications such as:

  • Individuals can suffer from glaucoma, which may lead to permanent vision loss.
  • The lens can become a blur and cause a decrease or permanent loss of vision.
  • The inflammation can cause permanent optic nerve damage.
  • The swelling can cause retinal detachment, in which the retina pulls away from the original place, and the person suffers from either distorted or permanent loss of vision.

Tests for Diagnosing Chorioretinitis

The tests that are proven beneficial in diagnosing chorioretinitis are:

  • Complete Eye Examination: The test will help the specialist determine the condition and its severity. The specialist will first add drops and then conduct a thorough eye exam. The change in color and swelling will help in diagnoses.
  • Medical History: To determine the cause of chorioretinitis, the specialist will ask the patient regarding previous conditions or eye injuries that may have caused the person to suffer from the inflammation of the uvea.
  • Slit Lamp Examination: The test will allow the specialist to have a closer look at the eye and evaluate the severity of the condition.
  • Tonometry: The test assists in evaluating the pressure in the eye.

Medications and Procedures to Treat Chorioretinitis

The treatment is based on the cause and symptoms exhibited by the individual. The medications and procedures that have proven effective in treating chorioretinitis are:

  • Use of Corticosteroids: The medication is prescribed in the form of drops to help reduce the inflammation and ease the pain and discomfort.
  • Use of Antibiotics: If the inflammation in the eye is due to infection, then oral antibiotics are prescribed. The medication helps fight the infection.
  • Use of Immunosuppressants: Individuals suffering from immune system disorders are prescribed immunosuppressants. Treating the cause helps deal with the symptoms of chorioretinitis.
  • Vitrectomy: In severe cases, the specialist will advise the patient to undergo a surgical procedure; known as vitrectomy. The surgery involves the removal of vitreous humor to help with eye floaters.

The eye specialist in Islamabad will help the patient understand the cause of their condition. Also, provide guidance regarding the treatment options to ease the pain and function adequately in every aspect of life.

By Manali