Stay at and improve home concept. Happy young adult woman is painting her old kitchen to blue.

Deciding on and using a particular sheen level for your hardwood furniture may seem like an easy thing to do, but in reality, it isn’t. Why? It’s simple. Your decision has an overall big effect on the look of the furniture as well as the day-to-day maintenance you’ll have to do.

There are different types of paint finishes that are great with furniture and some of the most common or popular ones are Satin and Gloss finish. Since you are reading this article post, it could mean that you have decided to use Satin as your desired furniture finish but you don’t know the benefits of using one. If that’s the case for you then there’s no better place to be because in this article you’ll be learning the benefits of using Satin finished furniture offers or brings.

Benefits of a Satin-finished furniture

Easy to clean or care for

The Satin paint finish is an excellent choice not only for rooms in busy areas like your kitchens and children’s room but also for furniture because of its high “cleanability” nature. This means that surfaces (including wood) coated with a Satin paint finish are easier to clean. It’s easier to clean Satin-coated surfaces because Satin paints have tight pores and the tighter a paint’s pore is, the easier it becomes to clean—food stains, liquids, markers, and dirt come off better than flatter paints due to its tighter pores.

In addition to furniture, if you have wooden ceilings and you are worried about mildew and mould, then you should consider using a Satin paint finish on your ceilings because they help in preventing the growth of mould and mildew. Also, Satin paints are moisture-resistant and that’s a really good feature as you won’t have to worry about moisture or water affecting your furniture.

It’s easier to apply

You know that awkward time you’ll wait for the surface you painted to become dry and useable? I’m sure you do. It can sometimes be frustrating having to paint furniture and having to wait for an hour or two before the furniture will be usable.

If you use Satin as your preferred furniture finish then you won’t have to worry about the waiting time as Satin-coated surfaces take up to 30 minutes or less to become dry. This is a much better wait time considering the wait time for Gloss paint finish which takes about 2 to 3 hours or more in some cases to dry out. What’s more? In terms of the application on furniture, Satin paints produce fewer lap marks. This means that Satin paints make it easier to produce a professional painting.

It offers an easy compromise 

Satin paints or finish products have low reflectability. This means that Satin paints absorb more light and reflect only a small amount of light. Its low reflectability makes it easy for the finish to highlight the beauty of your furniture without emphasizing the tiny scratches your furniture may have.


When it comes to painting furniture, it becomes hard to mention the top 3 paint finishes you can use on your furniture without including Satin. Satin paints are great and they come with lots of benefits for your furniture as well as the surfaces they’ll be applied on. However, if you purchase a fake product, all your effort will be in vain as the paints will quickly wear or it could become sticky which shouldn’t be the case for Satin paints.

So what can you do? The best thing to do is to always buy your paint products from trusted and reputable sources. Don’t know any? Not to worry. You can get quality Satin paint when you purchase Satin Paint by Annie Sloan—Annie Sloan Satin Paint.

By Manali