Keeping track of user activity is essential for monitoring and maintaining the security of your Windows network. Whether it’s confidential data, internal network access, or a virtual desktop infrastructure, you need to know what users are doing so you can prevent risky activities or misconduct. You also need to know when a user has logged out so that you can audit their usage and enforce log-off times. 

Screen Activity records the actions of users on computers by using a screen recorder Windows 10 or Windows Server. It captures screenshots and videos of users interacting with apps and services so you have a record of activity as well as specific events like logon, logoff, lock, and more. 

Windows Auditing

Auditing is a critical part of keeping Windows secure. Windows provides several audit policies that you can use to track events, which can include user logon/logoff times, account management, and changes to security settings. You can set these audit policies individually, or you can use audit settings to apply a blanket policy to multiple computers: Audit account logon events: Records user logons and logoffs, including who, where, and when a user logs on and off. Audit account management: Records changes to user accounts and privileges, including account creation and deletion. 

Records logon results, including whether the user succeeded in logging on and which security policy was applied. Audit policy change: Records changes to computer and user account policies. Audit process tracking: Records the start and stop of processes and the creation and termination of threads for all programs running on the computer. 

Screen-recording tools

For many people, the first thought when they think of screen capture is a screen-recording tool. These time-honored apps have been around as long as computers themselves. They use the video capabilities built into the operating system to record all activity. If you need to prove that a person performed a specific action, a screen recorder online or offline is the only solution. It records everything they did, including all keystrokes and mouse clicks, along with any visual data in the background. But in terms of security, screen recordings have a few limitations.

Event log monitoring

The Windows event log is the central repository for all system activity, including logon attempts and account management. It’s a powerful resource for monitoring user activity, but depending on the volume of events, it can be a challenge to comb through the log manually. There are a few ways you can use the event log to track user activity.

One option is to set up alerts for specific logon events, like logon failure or account lockout, to get notified when something goes wrong. The Windows auditing feature can also help you track screen activities. It allows you to create custom logs based on a variety of factors, including specific events.

Cloud-based screen activity monitoring

Cloud-based screen-monitoring services record all screen activity, including apps that are running in the background. They don’t require you to do anything on the computer—just install the screen recorder software on the user’s device. Cloud-based screen-activity monitoring is ideal for BYOD environments, where you don’t have administrative access to the devices and can’t install monitoring software. Most providers offer a free trial so that you can try their service before committing to it.


Screen activity is essential to monitoring user activity and maintaining the security of your Windows network. Fortunately, there are several options for tracking screen activity, including Windows auditing, screen-recording tools, event log monitoring, and cloud-based screen activity monitoring. When choosing a screen-monitoring tool, consider the method it’s using to record screen activity, as well as what information it’s recording.

If you are eager to record something, you can try a free screen recorder offered by iTop, which can capture any activities of your screen without lag.

By Manali