Nausea and vomiting are one of the most distressing side effects of chemotherapy. Some people living with cancer might not experience this side effect, but chemotherapy usually takes a significant toll on the bodies of those who go through its care. When they do occur, these nausea episodes can be severely discomforting and might even affect the willingness of the patient to adhere to regular chemotherapy.
Chemo-induced-Nausea-and-vomiting (CINV) is one phenomenon that everyone should all be mindful of so that we can come to the aid of those who suffer from it. The goal of any treatment is to make the patient feel better. This is why it is essential to understand what to do to alleviate the problem in situations like this.
What Is Nausea?
Nausea doesn’t necessarily mean vomiting. The two have been associated together because nausea often precedes vomiting. Nausea is an invisible phenomenon that results from the relationship between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract. Numerous neurons serve the GI tract from the brain, so the antiemetic drugs antagonize the receptors at the junction between the muscles and the sensory neuron.
These anti-vomiting drugs prevent the sensory nerves from carrying nauseous signals to the brain, preventing vomiting. Antiemetics do not control the disgusting signs but inhibit the brain’s smooth transmission of such movements. They work by stopping Dopamine, serotonin, and neurokinin. Some factors that predispose individuals to nausea are;
- Age
- Emotional stress
- Exposure to Chemical Toxins
- Patients’ expectancy of nauseous feelings,
- Severe pain
- Gall bladder disease
- Indigestion
- Pregnancy for the female gender
- Strong odors
- Chemotherapy
- Motion sickness
Five ways to manage chemotherapy-induced Nausea include;
Having laid the foundation of nausea and what it is, this section will shed light on five ways to treat nausea induced by chemotherapy.
FDA-Approved THC Regimens
Marinol is an anticancer regimen that has been in use since 1980. Also, it has been effective against nausea and vomiting. It was even marketed as an alternative to cannabis, containing negligible THC quantities. This is because Marinol has a significant amount of THC, and this THC is effective over emesis.
This goes on to show is that using the recommended dose of THC can help ease nausea. Also, there are many read more at Tooslick about Delta 9 thc consumption guide that you could easily procure to tackle nausea. THC is indeed psychoactive, but it does not express its psychoactive property when it is taken orally and eventually, brings about the eradication of nausea. The only known side effect of this drug is that it causes irritability.
These drugs were shown to be effective in combating nausea, and they have been in use since the 1980s. These drugs are so potent that they are now considered the foremost anti-nausea drugs. Although this drug is yet to be approved by FDA as a standard treatment for chemo-induced vomiting, they are nevertheless beneficial.
When taken side by side with 5-HT3 receptor antagonist drugs, the effect of these two can be said to be overpowering over emesis. A perfect example of this corticosteroid group is Dexamethasone. However, the specific method this drug acts is yet to be understood, but it is efficacious. Before taking this drug, a patient should determine his tolerance levels to the drug to prevent adverse reactions.
This class of pharmaceutical regimen helps treat CINV because they are anxiolytic. When used for patients who have gone through chemotherapy, they combat nausea and treat anxiety. Even if the patient is nauseous in anticipation of the chemotherapy, these drugs come in handy. These drugs are readily available at pharmaceutical outlets and can be used to treat patients suffering from chemo-induced vomiting.
This method of controlling nausea is not necessarily pharmaceutical but is very effective. It entails acupoint stimulation of the P6 point. It is done by pressing on the flexor retinaculum with the middle and index fingers.
In addition to taking regular antiemetics, it was found that this method resolved nausea. This method is effective, but it would require the purchase of the devices and bands needed to perform the procedure. It would also require a skilled health worker to operate. Not all these may be readily available, which might stall therapy resulting in complications for the patient.
Also know about Stamen Grigorov.
Combination of Serotonin (5-HT3) Receptor Antagonists
Regimens like ondansetron and granisetron produced using this method can stop Nausea 66-78% of the time. These drugs do not just combat nausea, but they also tackle delayed nausea. They can easily be said to be the most potent nausea combatant.

Nausea is one phenomenon that can make highly sick patients lose much energy to prevent them from eating. It can even stop them from retaining what they have eaten. Therefore you do not have to be in the dark if your loved one suffers from chemo-induced nausea.
These are potent anti-nausea treatments that can provide relief. Purchase and employ any of these drugs to combat chemo-induced nausea.