As a former business owner I know all the ins and outs. But, with that said, starting your own business super-slots from scratch can be quite difficult because you have to do everything yourself. My first piece of advice is to find a product or service that you are highly knowledgeable about. This will not only make your business look legit, but it will also help you save a ton of money on advertising.
Your goal is to find different ways to attract business.
Advertising online is one way, but it can get very expensive. I recommend having a website and letting people know where they can find your business by telling friends and family, posting flyer around town, and placing ads in local newspapers or magazines. There are also many websites that will allow you to upload your business profile and sell it to people who are looking for businesses. I have even seen companies offer to pay you to promote their product. You will also find that on these , you have an opportunity to grow your business in a very inexpensive way. You can actually grow your business by uploading testimonials and pictures as well as adding links to products or services that people use. This is a great way to make money and build credibility.
One thing I learned early in my business is that the best way to get good reviews is to offer great service and what people really want. People will never refer you out if they have a bad experience. I have started some of my businesses with a 10 dollar sign where I would ask for a one dollar donation for gas or something else that people need help with just to test the waters. I would then give them the best service I could or offer to be their friend on Facebook or twitter. This has proven to be very effective because it is a great way to get people’s phone numbers and some of them will even buy from you.
One thing that does make me sad is that people do not understand that you do not have to make as much money as you did in your previous job, just that you are able to earn enough money to keep your business running and help support your family. As a former business owner with a few businesses under my belt, I can honestly tell you that this is one of the most fun things I have ever done.
New business opportunities always excite me.
If you are interested in finding out more about this type of opportunity just email me and let me know what your needs are. We can discuss how I can help build your business to the next level.
Starting a Small Business with SUPER SLOT
Super-slots is the most unique slot machine experience you can have in Las Vegas. It is a large, state of the art amusement machine that has been featured on: The TODAY Show, ABC’s Dancing with the Stars, The Howard Stern Show and CNN among many others. We have a vibrant social media community with followers on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We are also well known on YouTube where we average about an hour of video content posted every month.
Super Slot is operated by Darren Rump and his wife, Lindsey, who became operational in October of 2012. Since then, Darren’s business has grown significantly, which is why he has devoted this additional space to the publication of a guide for the new slot machine entrepreneur.
Darren is also the current president of Las Vegas Slots and Collectibles Association and has been since 2006. The association is a non-profit organization that gives out annual scholarships to Las Vegas high school seniors. In March 2013, Darren was invited to the Illinois Gaming Board Conference on the “Changing Landscape of Indian Gaming” in Chicago, IL. He was selected to represent Las Vegas because of its vibrant tourist industry and super-slots niche as a more social form of gaming. The event featured numerous professional slot machine designers, manufacturers and operators from around the country. He was asked to speak on the topic “How to Start a Slot Machine Business” and share his experiences as an entrepreneur.
Nevada Gaming Control Board (NGCB) invited Darren.
To speak at their annual conference for the opening of The 2014 Program for Economic Development (PDE) which is funded by a $338 million grant from The Federal Government. The keynote speaker had experience with super-slots machine businesses. Darren was selected to represent Nevada based on his four years of experience in the business, as well as his vast knowledge of the industry.
When asked about his thoughts on providing a guide for aspiring entrepreneurs, Darren said he would be honored to help other people who share his passion for slot machines. He said that it is important for people to have the information needed to start their super-slots own businesses from scratch, and that he was happy to share his expertise with new entrepreneurs.