Many people express dissatisfaction with the appearance of their lips. They feel they are too thin and detract from their appearance. Lip fillers are the perfect solution for those who feel this way.
Before undergoing lip augmentation, however, a person needs to know what lip fillers are, what options are available, and more. The following guide provides answers to many frequently asked questions regarding this procedure.
What are Lip Fillers?
Lip fillers do exactly as the name suggests. These substances are injected into the lips to provide them with more volume and make them appear fuller. Several dermal fillers are available for use during this procedure, and the professional handling the injections determines which product will be best for the patient.
However, most lip fillers aren’t permanent. A person will need to have this procedure repeated a minimum of once a year. Some people find they need to repeat treatments more often.
Lip Filler Options
Many patients benefit from either Restylane or Juvederm. Restylane, a hyaluronic acid filler, adds definition to the lips while allowing them to look natural. Furthermore, this filler helps the lips retain moisture. However, repeat treatments are needed every six to nine months.
Juvederm results last up to a year. This filler contains more hyaluronic acid than Restylane and can add more volume. Some technicians offer permanent fillers, but most people prefer temporary ones, as they can change their look with the next treatment.
The Lip Augmentation Procedure
A person may be advised to avoid blood thinners prior to the lip augmentation procedure. The doctor begins by cleaning the area and applying a local anesthetic. They then allow the area to numb before proceeding.
Once the area is numb, the doctor injects the filler into the predetermined areas. The process takes approximately 20 minutes, and the person can return to their normal daily activities once it is done.
The Safety of Lip Fillers
Lip fillers are extremely safe when done by a trained professional. Patients may notice redness and swelling in the treatment area or some bumps. However, these resolve on their own within a few days.
A few people do develop an infection or lumps in the treated area. If either problem is seen, contact the doctor right away. Again, work with a doctor or qualified professional to reduce the risk of these complications, which remain rare.
Following the Procedure
The lips will swell immediately following lip augmentation. This is normal and nothing to worry about. In addition, the lips will feel firm for about 48 hours following the procedure. However, talk to the doctor to learn more about how long to expect the swelling, because this does differ by the patient.
Once this period ends, the lips will start to show definition, and the patient will see the change. The filler may be highly concentrated in certain areas, which the person might notice, but this is done to achieve their desired look.
Anyone looking to add volume to their lips should consider lip fillers. Most people find they can achieve the desired results with this procedure. If the doctor has doubts, they may recommend another treatment option.
Lip fillers are used to correct an asymmetrical or gummy smile. They may also be used to fix the corners of the lips when they begin drooping. Talk to a doctor today to learn if this option is right for your needs. Many people find it is.