The hardness of a skateboard wheel determines how fast the wheel will roll and how much grip it will have while turning. This combination of speed and grip allows you to perform jumps and tricks with greater ease, depending on the surface that you’re skating on. In this guide, we’ll explain the hardness of skateboard wheels in detail so that you can choose your wheels wisely, whether you’re an experienced skater or are buying wheels for the first time.


A durometer is a device that measures skateboard wheel hardness. Durometer is used to measure many other things, such as rubber and plastic products, too. When skateboard wheels are first made, they’re made in batches of about hundreds, these batches are numbered and given designations like duro 55A. The number indicates how hard or soft it is on a scale of 0-100.If this number is 100 that means wheels are super hard, and 0 being super soft. Companies grade their wheels so you know exactly what you’re getting into before you buy them. Wheel hardness plays an important role when you look at features that contribute to a good ride.

Wheels with bigger durometer number hold their shape longer than softer ones do, which can give your board better performance under less than ideal conditions. This makes them great for racing because race tracks can be tricky when wet, or slippery if covered in dust and debris.

What Is the Difference Between Soft, Medium and Hard Wheels?

The terms soft, medium and hard are used to describe skateboard wheels. The hardness of a wheel affects performance and safety. Typically, softer wheels are faster but less durable than harder wheels because they tend to become pitted or torn when used in an outdoor environment. Wheels can be made from either urethane or polyurethane materials. In general, softer wheels give better grip while harder ones roll faster but have less grip while doing so. And even though having too much grip can cause slippage in tight turns, having too little can result in slides with little control during fast rides or downhill runs where speed is crucial.

Softer wheels generally come in different sizes to help them maintain traction on smooth surfaces. Harder wheels are usually better for riding outdoors and large enough to avoid getting stuck on small pebbles, rocks and other irregularities found outside. While it may seem logical that all riders should choose a middle ground between soft and hard wheels, it actually isn’t always ideal.

How much Wheel Hardness is Good?

The hardness of a skateboard wheel has many factors that determine how hard it will be. The two main factors to consider are your weight and riding style. A heavier rider typically requires a harder wheel. Riding style also plays an important role in determining hardness, with street and park styles needing a softer wheel. Most riders should look for wheels that fall somewhere between 75A-99A on the scale. If you fall outside these parameters, there’s no reason to worry as long as you’re skating safely and responsibly. Most quality skateboard brands have different hardness wheels available.

By Manali