When searching for a web host for the domain, one thing that matters is the bandwidth. People choose appropriate web hosting only after checking the bandwidth requirements.
There are so many best web hosting platforms providing unlimited bandwidth. But you should be careful when planning to go with unlimited bandwidth. Every bandwidth needs are unique to people and you should work according to that. The amount of bandwidth that you require will determine the quickness of the site.
Bandwidth is not the same as internet speed. It is the volume of data visitors require in a given period.
How to calculate the Actual bandwidth needed by the Website?
If you have a small webpage with limited visitors, you will be requiring small bandwidth itself. There are three important points you should be concerned about.
- The number of visitors to your web page
The basic analytics will tell you the calculations. You can calculate the visitors depending on Google Analytics too.
- The average views per visit
It depends on the number of pages you have on the website. In this case, you will take average views per visit.
- The average size of the page
This is the disc space that the average page will take up. For this, you will have to take a third-party tool. They will be able to help you the most. On average, it’s best to take 10 most visited pages at the least.
When you know these numbers, you can easily calculate the bandwidth. For instance, if you have 100 visitors to your web page per day, and they visit about 5 pages, then the average of the page is 1,000kb. You will be needing 50,000kb per day when it comes to bandwidth. If you convert it, it is 15GB per month. You should leave room for traffic as well.
Bandwidth for Blogs
- If you have just made your first blog and uploaded all the plugins, you will be needing just 1 GB for the 3 months. Having a small blog with less than 100 visitors will require just 5GB per month of bandwidth.
- Bandwidth for medium blogs
If you have been blogging for months and have about 200 articles, you will need additional space in the disc. In this case, you will be needing at least 4 GB of the space disc. If there are more pictures and videos, it will increase to about 10 to 15 GB per month. If you receive 1,000 visitors a day, 15GB bandwidth is enough.
For this, it’s best if you keep 50GB as a safe side. If there are more page views, you will need more transfer limits. Further, 50GB is sufficient when you have 1,000 to 2,000 visitors per day.
- Bandwidth in case of large-sized blogs
Larger websites contain so many articles and pages. These websites have been online for so many years. Further, they receive more than 1,000 visitors a day. If you fall in that category, you will need more than 30GB of bandwidth per month. The plugin also requires space if you want to work properly.
There is no exact on how much disc space is enough for blogs. If you don’t have any backup option, you must add that space too. For that, you will need more GBs than normal.
The bandwidth for the large blogs can be estimated but it is somewhere between 500GB per month. Some days you will get less traffic and on some days, the hike will be greater.
Bandwidth is necessary since it helps to give user experience on the site and shows how many people visit your website. Every new visitor uses some bandwidth capacity when they visit the website. Having too little capacity might overrun the site if there is lots of traffic.
Read the detailed article about Best Hosting for Laravel in 2022
If you are just starting with the blog, you don’t need much bandwidth. But once you start getting visitors, you will need bandwidth depending on the requirements.